
We invite manufacturers and suppliers of spare parts to cooperate with us

ImPart company cooperates with suppliers from around the world. We strive to expand the geography of purchases and replenish our assortment with new product directions.

ACTIVE SALES: we ship the goods every 7 minutes

NO INVESTMENTS: no service commission or placement fee

This is what we take upon ourselves:

  • All actual goods are showed on our site with the possibility to order online,
  • We carry out all negotiations with the client and select spare parts for equipment,
  • We fully support the order,
  • We calculate and organize delivery,
  • We attract new clients and expand our reach: promotion, mailings, marketing campaigns,
  • We provide data for analytics in your personal account.

Everything that is required from you:

  • Send up-to-date availability and pricing information of your products,
  • Ship the goods to the client or to the ImPart warehouse.

Detailed information is in the presentation for partners:
download the presentation (.pdf)

To begin cooperation fill out the questionnaire

Contact email: